Power BI Connector voor D365 Business Central

Get the insights you need to perform

Dynamics 365 Business Central is a widely used ERP system designed to process transactions quickly and efficiently.

For daily reporting it suffices just fine, but when you want to combine different types of data and do extensive analysis over longer periods, the built-in reporting falls short.

The combination of BIRDS and Power BI is a logical choice to still gain in-depth insights through extensive reporting.

Power BI Connector en Dashboard voor D365 Business Central

Challenges of accessing data in Power BI

The process of enabling BC data in Power BI can be quite technical and presents several challenges:

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Performance issues

Direct queries on BC database can significantly slow down system performance. Microsoft therefore recommends building a data warehouse and implementing the business logic there.

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Interpreting and selecting appropriate tables, as well as performing centralized calculations, requires a great deal of technical knowledge.

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Building a data warehouse to avoid performance issues and make the data available in Power BI takes a lot of time and resources.

Content Packs

The D365 Business Central connector comes with our Power BI Content Packs. These packs contain different types of data and a standard set of dashboards and reports.

The Content Packs provide out-of-the-box solutions for:

Power BI dashboard | Sales performance
  • Finance
    Optimize payment flows to enhance cash flow.
  • Sales
    Analyze sales performance and identify growth opportunities.
  • Inventory
    Gain insights into inventory levels and optimize inventory management.
  • Purchase
    Evaluate purchasing trends and enhance your procurement strategies.
  • Warehouse
    Optimize inventory reliability and quality orders.
  • Production
    Monitor project progress and increase production efficiency.
  • Fixed Assets
    Gain insights into asset movements, depreciation, and amortization.


Does the connector work with the cloud version of Business Central?

Yes, we can also incrementally extract data from the cloud version of Business Central. We do this by implementing the open-source solution BC2ADLS.

Can we build our own Power BI reports in addition to the BIRDS reports and dashboards?

Yes, you can build your own Power BI reports alongside the BIRDS reports and dashboards. The BIRDS platform provides a rich data model, allowing you to create and customize reports based on your specific needs.

Want to know more?

Want to experience for yourself how our solution works? Schedule a 30-minute online demo with BI advisor Joep Lugtenberg and discover how BIRDS transforms your D365 BC data into in-depth insights with Power BI.

BI advisor Joep Lugtenberg