In-depth data-insights for PrintVis users
You need deep insights into your data to make better decisions.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with the PrintVis extension is designed to process transactions quickly and efficiently, but not to develop extensive reports.
It falls short when you need to combine various data types across different dimensions and perform comprehensive analyses over longer periods.
Birds BI enables these advanced analyses in Microsoft Power BI. The Birds data platform unlocks, processes, enriches, and structures your data, making it available in Power BI with out-of-the-box D365 BC and PrintVis dashboards.
Content Packs
Birds BI for PrintVis comes with our Content Packs for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. They provide approximately 85% of the data you need from BC.
For the remaining 15% that is specific to your business, our consultants work with you to set it up.
This gives you a head start, allowing you to access your data in Power BI within days instead of months.
Content Packs provide out-of-the-box solutions for:
- Finance
Optimize payment flows to enhance cash flow. -
Analyze sales performance and identify growth opportunities. -
Gain insights into inventory levels and optimize inventory management. -
Evaluate purchasing trends and enhance your procurement strategies.
- Warehouse
Optimize inventory reliability and quality orders. - Production
Monitor project progress and increase production efficiency. - Fixed Assets
Gain insights into asset movements, depreciation, and amortization.
Data model
The Birds BI data model contains structured and modeled data from Microsoft Dynamics and can be enriched with data from other source systems for each client.
The model makes all data available in Power BI as facts and dimensions with logical names. Using the drag-and-drop interface, you can easily transform the data into visual representations.
The Birds BI data model ensures a single source of truth within your organization; definitions are centrally calculated and recorded, and data from all systems is enriched with business logic.
This way, every department uses the same data, definitions, and calculations in their Power BI reports.
Yes, we can also incrementally extract data from the cloud version of Business Central. We do this by implementing the open-source solution BC2ADLS.
Yes, you can build your own Power BI reports alongside the BIRDS reports and dashboards. The BIRDS platform provides a rich data model, allowing you to create and customize reports based on your specific needs.
Want to know more?
Want to experience for yourself how our solution works? Schedule a 30-minute online demo with BI advisor Joep Lugtenberg and discover how Birds BI transforms your PrintVis and Microsoft Dynamics data into actionable insights with Power BI.