Multi-currency support for Power BI reports

When combining Business Central data from different countries with varying currencies, you quickly encounter limitations.

Comparing performance by country becomes challenging due to currency differences.

With Birds BI, this issue is resolved through smart, centralized conversion methods in our data model, enabling you to make accurate comparisons in your reports.

Want to learn more about our reporting solutions for Business Central?

Rapportages voor Microsoft Business Central software en add-ons

For organizations aiming for more

The benefits of Birds BI

Birds BI extends beyond the reporting capabilities of Microsoft Business Central, offering deeper insights and more advanced analytics.

01 Power BI reports for BC add-ons

02 Data from multiple BC-environments

03 Historical data from BC/NAV-environments

04 Data from multiple source systems

05 Multi-curreny support

06 Multi-company support


Power BI reports for BC add-ons

Data insights and out-of-the-box reports for popular BC add-ons and software.

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Data from multiple BC-environments

Consolidate data from multiple BC cloud environments into Power BI reports.

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Historical data from BC/NAV-environments

Incorporate historical data from BC on-premise or NAV into new Power BI reports for BC cloud.

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Data from multiple source systems

Combine industry-specific data from other systems with BC data in Power BI.

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Multi-curreny support

Analyze figures from different countries with different currencies in your Power BI reports, using our smart, centralized conversion methods.

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Multi-company support

Access BC data from multiple companies within one Power BI environment. 

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